Simone Lenci

I am deeply passionate about both physical and cultural landscapes, and then I am a Geologist. I am particularly interested in understanding how tectonics and surface processes interact to shape landscape variability, mountain ranges, and sedimentary basins. I have a solid background in classical structural geology, both in ductile metamorphic and brittle settings, developed during my bachelor's and master's thesis and a subsequent research fellowship, mainly working in the Apennines and the Alps. Since the beginning of my PhD, I have been expanding my focus to active tectonics, seismotectonics, geodesy, quantitative geomorphology and modelling, particularly regarding crustal extension processes. I aim to adopt a highly interdisciplinary approach during my PhD to study active faults geometries, their distribution and evolution from the near surface to seismogenic depths, with a particular focus on the Apennine chain, where I hope to contribute to a deeper understanding of its long-term geological evolution.





Quantitative Geomorphology

Brittle Deformation

InSAR deformation measuring



Derek Keir (UniFi)

Paola Vannucchi (UniFi)

Chiara Del Ventisette (UniFi)

Giancarlo Molli (UniPi)

Carolina Pagli (UniPi)


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