Passionate about art, cultural heritage and architecture, I studied conservation and restoration at the University of Florence. My studies have always focused on the degradation of stone materials used in Florence’s historical buildings, a topic that still involves me in my present research. My doctoral project aims to apply perspectives and techniques taken from the world of geomechanics to study the phenomena of rock detachments from buildings.
B.Sc in Technologies for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the University of Florence. Thesis title: “The Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence: state of conservation and characterisation of the deterioration phenomena of the interior marble facing”.
M.Sc. in Science and Materials for Conservation and Restoration at the University of Florence. Thesis title: “The collapse and detachment of stone corbels in historical Florentine palaces: analysis of past cases and development of a diagnostic protocol for their conservation”.
Research Fellow at the University of Florence, 2022 – 2022. Survey and processing of geomechanical parameters of stone artefacts on facades of historical buildings.
Ph.D Student in Earth Sciences, 2022 – Present. Project: “Methods of Geomechanic Analysis for the study of decay phenomena, vulnerability and for the control of breakage and separation of sandstone stone elements from buildings in the historic center of Florence.”.
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