PhD Project Title: Fault growth, evolution and slip rates in magma-rich rifts using quantitative geomorphology and volcanic stratigraphy.
I am a geologist who graduated from Imperial College London with a Master of Science (MSci) in Geology. During my degree studies, I developed strong interests in large-scale structural geology, active tectonics, and geomorphology. I enjoy being able to combine various disciplines to understand tectonic processes.
My PhD focusses on constraining fault network growth, linkage, and evolution in magma-rich continental rift systems. Specifically, my research aims to quantify fault slip and extension rates while exploring the spatial and temporal evolution of fault networks. To achieve this, I integrate various methods & datasets – volcanic stratigraphy and deposit mapping, quantitative analysis of drainage systems and relief, seismic and geodetic data, and, where appropriate, analogue models. My work examines different sectors of the East African Rift (Ethiopian Rift and Afar) to quantify along-rift variability of tectonic vs. magmatic extension and compares these findings with magma-poor rifts (e.g., the Gulf of Corinth) to isolate the tectonic and magmatic controls on faulting in space and time.
My project is part of the MSCA TALENTS Network – The Doctoral Rift Science Network for the Energy Transition.
My Research Background:
In my MSci (master’s) thesis, I worked on quantifying the geomorphic response of fluvial landscapes to active, normal faulting in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. And for my BSc project, I conducted an extensive 5-week field geological mapping project to constrain the structural evolution of the nappe stack in southern Crete, Greece.
My Research Interests:
My supervisors:
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