I am a geologist with a passion for volcanoes and earthquakes. During my university’s studies, I developed my interest in seismic and the use of infrasound to study the dynamics of gravity events, particularly snow avalanches. My PhD project focuses on the application of geophysical techniques, especially the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) method, on buildings and recently, also on wall paintings.
B.Sc. In Geological Sciences, University of Florence (2018). Thesis title “Identification of structural frequencies using seismic ambient noise”.
M.Sc. In Geological Sciences and Technologies, University of Florence (2021). Thesis title “Seismic and infrasound array analysis of the dynamics of snow avalanches”.
PhD student in Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Florence (2023/2024 – present). Project title “Application and development of georadar and seismological techniques for the characterisation of buildings to evaluate seismic response”.
Geophysics, seismology, infrasound, cultural heritage, NDT techniques
TUTOR: Prof. Emanuele Marchetti
CO-TUTOR: Prof. Marco Tanganelli
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