
As an environmental scientist with a strong commitment to sustainability, I have always sought to merge my scientific mindset with my passion for outdoor activities. I have focused my studies and attention on the diversity of topics rather than on a single area. To fully understand the dynamics between different subjects, I enrolled in Natural Sciences and earned my Bachelor’s degree (L-32) in April 2020. My thesis focused on the intriguing topic of using microcomputed tomography (μCT) and X-ray diffraction to evaluate the presence of asbestos in vinyl-asbestos (VA). In December 2022, I completed my Master’s degree (LM-60), where I presented my thesis on “Tungsten Incorporation into Zeolite Structures and Possible Environmental Implications”. Following the completion of a traineeship at the Centre for Civil Protection at the University of Florence, I embarked on a three-year PhD program in Earth and Planetary Sciences, focusing my research on 'New Methods for the Integration of Multi-Source Landslide Monitoring Systems’.

Research Interests

  1. Geomorphology
  2. Landslide Monitoring
  3. Sustainable Development
  4. Social Education
  5. New Technologies

Research Project

New methods for the integration of multi-source landslide monitoring systems.


Dr. Tommaso Carlà

Prof. Federico Raspini 

Prof. Giovanni Gigli


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