PhD Project Title: Chemical and isotopic characterization of ground and surface water of Bafia area, Centre Region, Cameroon: Implications for water management
I am a Cameroonian called Tarkang Carine I am a Hydrogeologist with a Master of Science (M.Sc) in Applied Geology from the University of Buea, Cameroon. During Master’s degree programme, I gained much interest in groundwater issues, with the aim of being part of the water quality solution team in Cameroon. Many years after my MSc, I decided to go in for a Ph.D to deepen my passion.
The main goal of this research is to characterize surface and groundwater in the Bafia area in order to fully understand the different hydrogeochemical processes. The research also aims at providing some water management suggestions for the sustainability of the available resources. The results of this research will provide a broad water chemistry and isotopic database in the Bafia area. The research will improve the understanding of the hydrological systems, clarifying the interactions between the geology and the environment. To achieve my goals, I am looking into the major-minor ions, trace elements in water and rocks, stable isotopes, tritium content and nitrate levels in both surface and groundwater samples. This project is part of the RAF 7021 TC project fully funded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
My Supervisors
Prof. Ngoupayou Jules Remy Ndam (University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon)
Prof. Franco Tassi (University of Florence, Italy)
Dr. Dmitri Rouwet (INGV Bologna, Italy)
Dr. Ako Ako Andrew (Ministry of Scientific research and Innovation, Cameroon)
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