A passion for minerals from an early age encouraged me to study Earth Sciences at university, where my interests expanded to include fluid geochemistry and archaeometry.
My PhD focuses on assessing the presence of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and identifying their sources within a river ecosystem by studying stream sediments, suspended solids and stream waters. As PTEs affect the biotic component of the ecosystem, one of the aims of the project will be to investigate how the presence of these elements affects river biodiversity.
B. Sc. in Geology at the University of Florence, 2019. Thesis Title: “Geothermobarometry of the recent activity of Nisyros Volcano (South Aegean Arc, Greece)”.
M. Sc. in Geological Sciences and Technologies at the University of Florence, 2022. Thesis Title: “Chemical and isotopic provenance study of Final Bronze Age glass artefacts from Central Italy”.
Ph.D. Student in Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of Florence, 2023-present. Project title: “Identification of natural and anthropogenic sources of heavy metals in river ecosystems and their impact on biodiversity". European Union-funded project - NextGenerationEU - National Plan for Resilience and Resistance (PNRR) - Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.4 - Notice No. 3138 of 16 December 2021 corrected by D.D. No. 3175 of 18 December 2021 of the Ministry of University and Research
Supervisor: Dr.ssa Stefania Venturi (UNIFI)
Co-supervisors: Prof. Riccardo Avanzinelli (UNIFI); Dr.ssa Caterina Gozzi (UNIFI)
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