I am a geologist in my background and interested in earth dynamics, tectonics and rift geology, geothermal geology, borehole geoscience and hydrothermal alteration studies. Currently, I am a PhD student in Earth Sciences, under the “Satellite geodesy and remote sensing imagery for geothermal energy exploration” program. The thesis title: “Satellite remote sensing of geothermal systems in the East African Rift”. The project focuses on the ground deformation studies on two particular geothermal areas in north and central part of Ethiopia.
I completed my M.Sc. program from the University of Iceland in geology, specialized on renewable energy in geothermal sciences. Thesis title: “The Relationship between the Tulu Moye Geothermal System, the Ziway-Asela Area and the Tectonic Structure of the Ethiopian Rift”. I attended my BSc. program in geology at Addis Ababa University, school of earth sciences. Thesis title: “Petroleum reservoir potential of Mesozoic units of northern margin, SE. plateau, Ethiopia”.
Tutor: Prof. Carolina Pagli
Co- tutors: Prof. Keir Derek and Prof. Freysteinn Sigmundsson
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