Geologist and passionate about travelling, cultural heritage and landscapes, I focused my research studies on the conservation of cultural heritage from hydrogeological instability. I graduated in 2004 from the University of Florence with a thesis entitled: “Hydrogeological instability processes in Machu Picchu (Peru)".
I then obtain a post-graduate specialization diploma, after attending a 2-year master’s degree from the University of Pisa to become a qualified Mathematics and Science teacher at secondary level schools. Since 2006 up to 2021, I have been teaching Mathematics and Science at secondary level schools (11-14 yo students).
During those 15 years of teaching, I have always kept a strong connection with geology and I have always tried to trigger an interest on the subject in my students. In November 2021, I decided to go back to University as a PhD student at the Geology Department. My PhD project is once again in the field of conservation and protection of cultural heritage from hydrogeological instability, in the framework of research supported by the UNESCO Chair of Florence.
My research activity will focus on the prevention and protection of Cultural Heritages, primarily the UNESCO ones. The main purpose of my project is the protection of Cultural Heritages and the prevention of hydrogeological risk and the risk of collapse of stone elements by applying non-invasive explorative methodologies.
Ph.D. Student at the Earth Sciences Department, University of Florence, 2021-ongoing. Thesis Title: “Protection and conservation of cultural heritage affected by geo-hydrological hazards”
Protection and conservation of cultural heritage affected by geo-hydrological hazards
Tutor: Prof. Riccardo Fanti
Co-tutor: Prof.ssa Veronica Tofani, Dr. William Frodella
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