I am a geologist with a particular interest in environmental and fluid geochemistry. After a period of traineeship at the University of Florence, where I had my first experience on a landfill site, I have focused my research on environmental issues such as water and air pollution. Landfills continuously produce gaseous (greenhouse gases) and liquid (leachate) pollutants that cause global and local problems (global warming and groundwater and air pollution). From the perspective of circular economy and climate change mitigation, the aim of my research involves the development of an optimized landfill soils treatment process using leachate and sewage sludges produced by depuration plants, to limit biogas emissions into the atmosphere.
B. Sc. in Geology at the University of Florence, 2018. Thesis Title: “Geochemistry of groundwater in the area of Volterra (Pisa)”.
M. Sc. in Geological Sciences and Technologies at the University of Florence, 2021. Thesis Title: “Geochemical study of surficial waters from the wetland north of Florence”.
Ph.D. Student in Earth Sciences at the University of Florence, 2021-present. Project title: “Optimization of soil cover in landfills of municipal solid waste with sewage sludge and recirculation of leachate for the abatement of diffuse biogas emissions into the atmosphere”
Project title and tutor:
Fluid and environmental geochemistry
Tutor: Prof. Franco Tassi (UNIFI)
Co-Tutor: Dott.ssa Stefania Venturi (UNIFI)
Research interest:
Fluid geochemistry
Gaseous emissions
Greenhouse gases
Environmental Sciences
Climate changes
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