I am a Geologist with special interests in applied geophysics and remote sensing methods. I am fascinated by the amount and detail of information that can be derived from non-destructive methods, like remote sensing and geophysics, as well as I am enjoying collecting and verifying data in the field. Accordingly, I am very interested in using interdisciplinary approaches to answer geological questions especially in the field of active tectonics. I worked with GPR and ERT Methods as well as remote sensing data during my studies and with seismic data as research assistant at the GFZ.
In my PhD project I want to combine those skills to analyse and evaluate the earthquake and tsunami hazard in Tuscany by exploring the subsurface structures and a possible connection between onshore and offshore faulting in the area to improve the hazard estimation for the region.
PhD Student in Earth Sciences at University of Florence, Italy, 2021 – 2024.
Student & Research Assistant at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Section 2.2/2.7 Geophysical Imaging/Near-surface Geophysics, 2017 – 2021.
MSc. in Geosciences at University of Potsdam, Germany, 2019. Thesis: “Tectono-geomorphic analysis of the Bolivian Subandean frontal thrust system and the Chaco foreland basin using the TanDEM-X digital elevation model”
BSc. in Georesources Management at RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 2014. Thesis: “Paleoseismological analysis of the 1981 ruptured Kaparelli fault (Ms 6.4), Central Greece, with geophysical methods – GPR and ERT for imaging coseismic features”
Research interests
- Active Tectonics
- Paleoseismology
- Geomorphology
- Applied geophysics
- Remote sensing
Chiara Del Ventisette (UniFi)
Paola Vannucchi (UniFi)
Giancarlo Molli (UniPi)
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