I’m a Geophysicist with a background in Mathematics. During my Master degree in exploration and applied geophysics, I developed a strong interest in the application of numerical methods to earth science problems. In particular, I'm very interested in seismic data processing, seismic imaging and inverse problems. Currently, I’m working on Markov Chain MonteCarlo algorithms applied to Full Waveform Inversion. BSc in Mathematics at University of Pisa, 2018. MSc in Exploration and Applied Geophysics at University of Pisa, 2017. Thesis title: “Full-Wavefield velocity analysis and imaging on a 2D marine dataset”. Ph.D. student in Earth Sciences at the University of Florence, 2021-2024. Thesis title: “A Bayesian approach to Full Waveform Inversion”.
Seismic imaging
Inverse problems
Geophysical modeling
Seismic data processing
Research project:
Implementation and evaluation of probabilistic algorithms for the inversion of seismic data.
Professor Eusebio Stucchi
Professor Mattia Aleardi
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