Geologist graduated at University of Camerino in 2012. During my formation I gained a deep knowledge in the use of Geographical Information System for field mapping and cartography, geotourism, coastal monitoring and geothermal applications. Since 2015 I was involved as researcher at University of Pisa, working on the development of geothermal low temperature systems in the Pisa alluvial plain to climate buildings and greenhouses. These studies are useful to produce a territorial geothermal zonation and to support the development of energetic plan of cities, reducing significantly the CO2 emission in atmosphere. Actually involved in the production of the volcanological maps of Campanian district: Ischia, Vesuvius and Phlegrean Fields. Ph.D. Student in Earth Sciences at the University of Pisa, 2019 – 2022. Thesis Title: “Evaluation and sustainable utilization of shallow geothermal resource for heating and cooling in Central Italy.”
Geothermal exploration
3D geological and geothermal modeling
GIS - Geographical Information System
Interest 5
Research project: Evaluation and sustainable utilization of shallow geothermal resource for heating and cooling in Central Italy.
Professor Alessandro Sbrana
Giuseppe Pasquini
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Università di Pisa Via Santa Maria 53 56126 Pisa Italia
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