Environmental scientist and traveler, passionate about hiking and outdoor activities. I have focused my academic career on geochemistry and trace metal pollution, particularly mercury, but I am also interested in a wide range of environmental issues. I received a MSc from the University of Pisa in 2019 with a thesis on the distribution of trace metals in sediments and groundwater of the Orbetello area (Southern Tuscany, Italy). Then, I completed a postgraduate traineeship as an environmental consultant at an international company in Barcelona (Amphos 21). Here, I was involved in a project on environmental issues concerning the use of mercury in gold mining in Colombia. In March 2020 I worked as a Junior researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Pisa where I’m now attending a PhD course (2020-2023). The aim of my project is to reconstruct the history of trace metal pollution for the last 5-6 ka years in the central Mediterranean by studying lake sediments. The aim is to provide new insights into temporal and spatial scope of past human-environment interactions and into natural background conditions.
Trace metals geochemistry
Environmental pollution
Quaternary sediments
Water resources
GIS analyses
Environment protection
Research project: History of trace metals pollution in the Central Mediterranean basin: natural background vs. anthropic modifications
Professor Giovanni Zanchetta Professor Orlando Vaselli
Francesca Pasquetti
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Università di Pisa Via Santa Maria 53 56126 Pisa Italia
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