I’m a geologist graduated with honors currently working on the application of experimental petrography in planetary sciences, a unique multidisciplinary approach that is currently very much unexplored. My main interests are carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites, achondrites, experimental petrology, petrography, and geochemistry (in particular isotopic geochemistry). I’m currently working on the application of experimental petrography in planetary sciences, a unique multidisciplinary approach that is currently very much unexplored. I am also particularly interested in instrumentation applications and development. For me, planetary science is by far the most interesting and exciting field of science, from the thrill of having a meteorite in my hands to the tense and exhilarating moments of space launches and landings of new beyond Earth missions. Since I was a child, I was fascinated by space and the natural world, eager to understand how it worked. Studding geology I developed my interests for igneous petrology and geochemistry. Planetary science conciliates my passion for geology and my fascination for space. My motto is high-quality data is invariable even though its interpretations may change over time.
Cosmochemistry and geochemistry
Experimental petrology
Structural geology
Economic geology
Environmental geology
Research project: Chondritic fusion experiments: insights on dynamics and timescales of planetary differentiation in the early Solar System
Professor Matteo Masotta Professor Luigi Folco
Stefano Iannini Lelarge
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Università di Pisa Via Santa Maria 53 56126 Pisa Italia
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