Geologist. I started my studies in geology with interest on geotechnology applied to environmental and territory with particular attention about remote sensing with the use of satellite interferometry technique. Currently I do research on the data mining method within newspaper articles with referring to landslide and flood events and I would like to apply the same method within crowd-sourcing platform as Twitter or Facebook to get, in real time, a spatial and temporal distribution about recent landslides or floods. The citizen become an “hot spot” of information, active and continuous. This would allow: 1) identifying and monitoring in real time the area involved; 2) mitigation of the effects through a better management and response by the relevant departments. Finally, the collection data will be used to update the landslide inventory and to get vulnerability assessment, damage estimation, validation of risk maps and the resilience assessment of risk elements. B.Sc. in Geological Sciences at the University of Florence, 2016. Thesis Title: “Geomorphology of the crags of the Upper Valdarno.” M.Sc. in Geological Sciences and Technologies at the University of Florence, 2018. Thesis Title: “Use of satellite interferometric data for monitoring of alpine regions”. Ph.D. Student in Earth Sciences at the University of Firenze, 2019 – nowadays. Thesis Title: “Analysis of community resilience during natural disasters using data mining on massive social network exchanges”.
Geomorphological Mapping
Geostatistical analysis
Natural hazards
Research project: Analysis of community resilience during natural disasters using data mining on massive social network exchanges.
Prof. Filippo Catani Dr. Ascanio Rosi
Rachele Franceschini
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Università di Firenze Via La Pira N. 4 50121 Firenze Italia
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