I am passionate about nature, outdoor activities, earth sciences in general. I started my studies in Geology in 2013 at the University of Pisa. I then specialized in Hydrogeology during the Master of Science, as I am profoundly interested in water resources management-related issues. I have been having the luxury to work on such aspects during my ongoing research activity. Bachelor’s degree in Geological Sciences at the University of Pisa, 2016. Thesis Title: “Architecture, kinematics and metamorphism of the Thrust of Barbagia (central Sardinia)”. Master's Degree in Geological Sciences and Technologies at the University of Pisa, 2019. Thesis Title: “Hydrodynamic and geochemical-isotopic characterization of water circulation systems in carbonate aquifers in vulnerable environmental contexts: the system of Moresco springs (Southern Apuan Alps). Qualified to practice the Geological profession in 2019. Temporary Research Assistant at the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (IGG) of CNR of Pisa since June 2020. Ph.D. Student in Earth Sciences at the University of Pisa since November 2020.
Aquifer systems
Hydrogeological modeling
Climate changes
Research project: Groundwater dynamic in different hydrogeological and environment contexts: study of physical-chemical processes in aquifers and their sensitivity to climate and anthropic forcings.
Professor Roberto Giannecchini Dr. Marco Doveri Dr. Matia Menichini
Linda Franceschi
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Università di Pisa Via Santa Maria 53 56126 Pisa Italia
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