Geologist always looking for new things. I started my studies in geology initially with a focus on vulcanology, then on structural geology with applications of geophysics. Currently I am studying the stone materials used in the historical buildings of Florence, specifically focusing on providing a physical and mechanical characterization of these. At the same time, in collaboration with IDS Georadar, I use the Georadar technology on the Florentine historic masonry.
B.Sc in Geological Sciences at the University of Pisa, 2014. Thesis title: “The phenomenon of ash aggregation during the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull volcano (Iceland)”.
M.Sc. in Earth Sciences (Curriculum: Geophysics and Structural Geology with applications) at the University of Milan, 2017.
Research Project: The stone materials of the historical buildings in Florence: types, quarries, use in work and physical-mechanical characterization.
Professor Massimo Coli
Tessa Donigaglia
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Università di Pisa
Via Santa Maria 53
56126 Pisa
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