Si invitano gli interessati a seguire il seminario offerto nell’ambito del Corso “Paleobiologia della Conservazione”
The application of deep-time palaeontological data to conservation
Prof. Erin E. Saupe
Department of Earth Sciences University of Oxford
lunedì 14 Marzo 2022 (ore 14:30)
Erin Saupe is a palaeobiologist working to investigate interactions between life and environments over geological time scales. Research in the Saupe Lab addresses fundamental questions on the origin, maintenance, and conservation of biological diversity. More specifically, the Saupe Lab integrates biological data with information from the fossil record to elucidate the controls on community and species’ responses to environmental change across various spatial and temporal scales. The Saupe Lab also focuses attention on the newly emerging field of conservation palaeobiology, which applies deep-time information to current problems of species conservation. The Saupe Lab work in this field provides vital information for assessing how current and future climate change will impact the Earth’s biodiversity. In general, the Saupe Lab research is question- rather than methods-driven, applying a diverse toolkit to investigating these lines of research, including quantitative techniques such as modelling, genetics, and environmental reconstructions.
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