RisICoT Project

Hydro-geomorphological risks and territorial competitiveness: interaction between economic processes and natural dynamics


Project funded by the University of Florence with funds from the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Foundation and the MUR (Ministerial Decree 737/2021)


Duration: January 1st 2022 – May 31st 2024


The main goal of the project is to estimate the economic impact on a local scale of adverse hydro-geomorphological processes and to explicitly identify the marginal impact that such events may have for the different sectors of territorial capital using a multidisciplinary approach, using knowledge and skills from geological, geographical, economic and econometric fields. The study intends to identify the main factors that determine a greater or lesser intensity of this impact, with particular interest in the factors of heterogeneity within the national territory, considering a significant mix of geo-environmental and socio-economic variables (e.g. land consumption, land management, implementation of environmental protection management plans, landslide and flood hazard, etc.). Gaining this forecasting capability will be particularly innovative and useful to support policy making: indeed, for hydro-geomorphological disasters an increase in frequency and magnitude is expected in the coming decades due to the climate changes and the dynamics of land management.




Samuele Segoni – Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra (Unifi)

Stefano Clò – Dipartimento di Scienze dell’economia e dell’Impresa (Unifi)

Federico Martellozzo – Dipartimento di Scienze dell’economia e dell’Impresa (Unifi) 

Alessio Gatto – Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra (Unifi)

Lorenzo Ciulla – Dipartimento di Scienze dell’economia e dell’Impresa (Unifi) 



Key results

  1. Quantification and mapping of the direct economic impacts suffered in Italy from hydrogeological disasters
  2. Nation-wide database (municipal and provincial granularity) of hydrogeological disasters that required the issuing of a national-level emergency. 
  3. Quantification of the indirect impacts of hydrogeological phenomena on local economies in Itlay. 
  4. Quantification of the relationships between hydrogeological disasters and socio-economic indicators of Italian municipalities.
  5. Definition of environmental indicators useful to characterize the impacts of hydrogeological disasters.
  6. Identification of the territorial planning characteristics more connected with the frequncy of hydrogeological disasters and the persistency of their negative impacts. 


Publications - articles

Clò, S., David, F., & Segoni, S. (2024). The impact of hydrogeological events on firms: Evidence from Italy. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 102942.

Gatto, A., Clò, S., Martellozzo, F., & Segoni, S. (2023). Tracking a decade of hydrogeological emergencies in Italian municipalities. Data, 8(10), 151.



Publications – selection of conference abstracts

Gatto, A., Clo', S., Martellozzo, F., and Segoni, S.: Interrelations between urban sprawl and national hydro-geomorphological emergencies in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11779,, 2024.

Clò, S. and Segoni, S.: Assessing the indirect impacts of hydro-geological hazards on Italian firms: a nation-wide assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5964,, 2023.

Last update



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