ATLANTE Project (Dott. Giorgio Lacanna)

Development of high-technology laser instrument for remote monitoring of building 


Project co-funded by POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020

Start April 2st, 2021; end December 31st, 2022


Total project budget: euro 1.376.250,76

Total funding provided: euro 587.780,49


The main goal of the project is the development of an advanced technique, based on Mid infrared digital Holography (MIR DH), which works in outdoor conditions and provide remote and real-time information on the dynamic behavior of large engineering structures. 

The project, by optimizing and expanding the performance of the measurement technique as well as the signal processing and transmission procedure, will lead to the development of new, more performing measurement instrument which will allows to increase the monitoring area of the building, the distance from the building and the range of frequency.



  1. LUNITEK s.r.l. (soggetto capofila / coordinator)
  2. Istituto Nazionale Ottica – CNR - Firenze
  3. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra (Unifi)
  4. LP di Prela Perparim
  5. DGNET s.r.l.

Last update



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