Description of the activity
The crystallography lab is dedicated to the preparation of samples for X-ray crystallographic investigations. The lab is equipped with several tools designed for the selection and optical characterization of samples. A furnace for ex-situ thermal treatments is also available.
ZEISS Discovery V8 stereomicroscope
The “ZEISS Discovery V8”, with a magnification range from 10x to 80x, allows the selection, mounting and manipulation of crystals.
ZEISS Transmitted-light mineralogical microscope
Optical microscope equipped with Nicol prism polarizer and analyser and 2.5x, 10x, 40x, 100x objectives.
ZEISS Transmitted and reflected light microscope
Transmitted/reflected-light ZEISS microscope, objectives 4x, 16x, 40x.
Saeshin OZ Black Micromotor
Low-vibration laboratory motor equipped with drill bits and circular saws of different shapes and sizes for the extraction of crystals from rock matrix.
Huber goniometer heads
Huber goniometer heads with adjustable X,Y,Z axes for single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies.
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